[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Short Poetry Competition on WhatsApp (October 2016)” main_heading_color=”#1e73be” sub_heading_color=”#8224e3″ spacer=”line_with_icon” spacer_position=”bottom” line_style=”dotted” line_height=”1″ line_color=”#1e73be” icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^48|url^http://ashvamegh.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Ashvamegh-ICO.jpg|caption^null|alt^Ashvamegh Journal Icon|title^Ashvamegh ICO|description^null” img_width=”48″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:34px;” line_width=”3″ margin_design_tab_text=””]and we went to play some games…[/ultimate_heading]

(Winner – 1st)

Next to him on footpath,

Another beggar lay shivering;

The old man thought

and halved his tattered blanket,

Bitter cold was defeated.

~~ Nidhi Sharma


(Winner 2nd)

Rain to the crops,

Sun to the rain,

Through sorrow or pain

Tears that drop – Sympathy

~~ Neharika Baswa


(Winner 3rd)

Few tears, silent Agonies breaking the quiet Nights,

Yet, it mends a soul, a heart to heart connects,

Don’t need to whisper words of commiseration,

Let’s have a new start, a new explicandum;

Let there be forever the imprint of our compassion.

~~ Sanjay Das


The day is decorated with thousands of lamps,

Wish the dusk of heart would eliminate by its light,

But it is my dream which I see,

Because the reality wants a fight from me.

Nibash Chakraborty


You couldn’t be in my shoes

i could not be in thine

Sympathy seen in your eyes

Feeling must be divine

By – Ankit


Sympathy; mostly the boast breed most,

Earnest dies languishing for humanity

though , it decieves him with lovely boast

by – Vijay Ashok Indushokai


The cool mist stretches its arms over the city,

Whispers stories of the mountains,

Into the ears of the desolate.

By – Sangeetha Alwar


The dawn of goodness

Innate beauty of kind souls


By – Sujatha Sivan


I am not really dead,

I am not gone forever,

With your love and sympathy,

Will love you more altogether.

By – Dr Mehzbeen Sadriwala


Death, I question you, you who snatched her away,

You who uttered, forever she couldn’t stay,

I question you today, holding the aged figure in monochrome,

Do you have the sympathy, o death, to take me home?

By –  soumyadeep chatarjee



Once inside-out was ‘ laid bare’ a pitiable heart,

Unveiled by the ‘pithy’ of beguiled tenderness,

Lured unbound, was ‘trapped-in’, a malleable life,

Forever extorted by the ‘sympathies’ of malicious awareness.

by Soulfulheart  (Waheeda Khan)


petals of benignity spread

close to the Rose face,

empathic with tender grace,

cluster by the pink fountainhead.

~ praveen singhmar


“Ersatz dream”

The barren land of rustic heart,

Waiting for snowfall of peaceful affection

But gets what? Only few drops of sympathy!

Yes, because of scars and wound given by the world.

By – Ifa Agnes (Shivangi Saumya)



A tale reflecting understanding in a Lugubrious situation,

Mirror of kindness to the underdogs and a tool when death Calls.

The excitement when one loses a beloved person or lover,

The skin everybody has and a word caging difficulties and unhappiness.. What a word



My heart ache in pain

From a scene, an eye pleads

To humanity, with no gain

Souls crying with no lead.

By – Usman karofi