Nandana Varma is a young, aspiring and unpublished author from the “City of lakes”- Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. A postgraduate in Physics and a teacher by profession the author has been interested in writing poems and non-fictional articles since childhood. She loves to share her creative writings through her personal blog nvspeaksout ( and her facebook posts. Now she is looking towards a serious writing career.
I’ll Be Back…
The day her princess stepped out of home,
First time in her life all alone,
To that caring face mixed with fears,
To her Mom’s eyes drenched with tears,
She said, “I promise I’ll be back…
Times are hard I do know,
Tides are strong and choke my flow,
With wings too young, I’m still a novice,
But mom don’t worry I promise,
It’s my life and I’ll be back…
There will be storms to block my flight,
Waves and winds to break my might,
Eagles waiting to draw me away,
With cunning eyes night and day,
But safe and sound, I’ll be back…
The world will mock and pull me down,
But trust me mom you don’t frown,
They may tear and make me scream,
But it’s my will to chase my dream,
I’ll fight them all and be right back…
Let them try all their tricks,
I’ll face them strong and take all risks,
Mom! Wish your girl all the luck,
Who dares to fly till moon unstuck,
With all the laurels, she’ll be back…
I’ll reach those heights and make you proud,
Turn my haters to cheering crowd,
That day mom you may cry,
Not of sorrow but tears of joy,
Until then trust me, I’ll be back…”
The little admirer of the sun…
[Poet’s Note: – This poem is a message to all those who fear to take risks and go out of their comfort zones and also to those who mock and discourage the ones trying to do so. Failures are never full stops to your journey, just a punctuation for you to introspect and try harder for success]
In an April morning, I glanced at the sky,
Looking upon a bird flying high.
She was addicted to the glare of the sun,
And for her the journey was real fun.
To reach her destiny, she flew higher and higher,
With great conviction and unwilling to retire…
For the rays of the sun was her quest,
And the world around mocked her thirst,
But a hidden danger was on her way,
and I was stunned with nothing to say
will the sun’s rage stop her flight
Or will she succeed with all her might?
She looked strong, though small and sweet,
so innocent and ignorant to sun’s heat
but alas! the deep intense heat of the sun,
Started sucking all her strength and fun.
She had made up her mind to proceed forward
But her wings were burnt and she fell downward…
I stood there numb with shock and fear,
The little one could not cry, speak or drop a tear,
The world blamed her for aspiring sun’s blaze
And stamped her dreams as stupid craze
and what I did was no different rather
stood helplessly as a mute spectator…
What happened next was a surprise,
With half-burnt wings she moved to rise
Though with struggle, her wings fluttered
and her cruel critics were dumbfound shattered,
And then the little bird flew higher and higher
With great conviction and unwilling to retire…