[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Poems by Waheeda Khan – Issue.XXIX : June 2017 ” main_heading_color=”#1e73be” sub_heading_color=”#8224e3″ spacer=”line_with_icon” spacer_position=”bottom” line_style=”dotted” line_height=”1″ line_color=”#1e73be” icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^48|url^http://ashvamegh.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Ashvamegh-ICO.jpg|caption^null|alt^Ashvamegh Journal Icon|title^Ashvamegh ICO|description^null” img_width=”48″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:34px;” line_width=”3″ margin_design_tab_text=””]unconventional but questioning…[/ultimate_heading]

Waheeda Khan is a English literature – Teaching Assistant at the Karnayak university P.G. Centre in Karwar, Karnataka. She has been publishing her poems and essay in the Ashwamegh journal since the past year and is also a part of the What’s app literary group. Earlier she was an active member at the various poetry sites like Poemhunter.com, All Poetry etc. She usually publishes with the pen name Soulful heart. Waheeda has published a book of poems titled ‘ Frozen smoulders’, thankfully also reviewed by Mr. Alok Mishra. Her poems have been shortlisted and published in the annual journal of The Poetry Society ( India), New Delhi 2015 and 2016 consecutively.



Essential Compound


Oh water! What art thou?

Being colourless, odourless, shapeless

Yet you are – mirror, murk, mass.


Oh! What is thy abode?

In blood, cloud, ocean

Yet you- clot, bolt, drown.


Oh! Is thy presence a bliss?

As you nurture, quench, replenish

Yet you — choke, devour, bloat.


Oh! Art thou benevolent ?

Evoking breathing air, life, beauty

Yet cause- icy chill, disease, slimy moss.


Oh! Lest you hold thy fury!

As floods, tsunami, hurricane

Yet thou calmly splash, ebb, subside.


Oh! If thou wert not invoked

There be no earth, rivers, cells

Yet exist binding, flowing, cleaving.






The noiseless entity of realms

A lil eerie, a little contemplative,

As silence transcends better than words.


Can you perceive —-

A silent sound that evokes a soul?

A silent void that fills a stunned mind?

A silent scream that echoes  some anguish?

A silent smile that glows compassion?

A silent breeze that soothes harassed being?

A silent joy that flows in impulsive tears?

A silent heart beat that stops a life?

A silent breath that differs from death?

A silent idea that heralds revolution?

A silent prayer that invokes Almighty?

A silent wish that  leads great achieves?

A silent curse that poisons peace?

A silent love that becomes immortal?

A silent look that shatters pride?

A silent beacon that guides the stray?

A silent word that grows into a song?

A silent universe that bounds every entity?

A silent roar that burns a distant star?

A silent world that hides vast complexities..???


Do you know,

The boundless power of silence, like — The eloquent silence

The hermit’s silence

The humiliating silence

The fuming silence

The graceful silence

The bleeding silence

The wisely silence

The coward’s silence

The deathly silence

The reviving silence?????


Yet silence is the universal language,

That traverses heaven and earth;

That transcends cosmic orbits;

And culminates the quintessence

Of this infinitely temporary existence.

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