The Role of English Language for Effective Communication

Article Posted in: Research Articles

The Role of English to Enrich Effective Communication

 by – Riyaz Ahmed, Issue XV, April 2016

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Introduction to the Author:

Riyaj AhmedRiyaz Ahmed is an Assistant professor of English at Sreenivasa Institute of Technology and Management Studies, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh.

 In the paper below, he underlines the importance of English as a must to learn language.






Communication is a skill which involves systematic and continuous process of speaking, listening and understanding. Most people are born with the physical ability to talk, but we must learn to speak well and communicate effectively. Speaking, listening and our ability to understand verbal and non-verbal cues are the skills by observations other people and modelling our behavior on what we see and perceived. We are also taught some communication skills directly through education. By bringing those skills into practice and getting them evaluated.

English communication is a skill that can be perfected only through constant practice and continuous exposure to the target language the available resources should be completely tapped so as to provide and encouraging atmosphere for learning and practicing the language. This paper deals with the Role of English to Enrich the Effective Communication skills. English communication with modern techniques facilitates to foster a positive attitude. English communications which would make possible to meet the upcoming challenges of the day in an innovative way.

Keywords: Effective Communication, Listening, Speaking, Academics, Integration



The importance of English Communication is to communicate effectively and no communication is possible if one doesn’t get a chance to communicate. It is natural that the demand for communication is high in this ever changing world. English plays a crucial role in communication and is no doubt the foremost and most important tool of communication all over the world. Individually everybody should strive hard to acquire very good communication skills which are the most important prerequisites to excel in one’s career.

The main purpose of English to get command over the communication skills everybody including native speakers makes mistakes. Without error no true learning can take place. Since language learning is a slow and continuous process, errors are inevitable. We have to create English speaking environments even an child starts speaking in a particular language after listening to it for many months our people and deprived of speaking abilities because they have not been properly guided, that’s why they have not been able to speak English in a proper manner. In cities they are motivated through two ways:  Instrumental and Integrative motivation. Learning a language only for rewards is instrumental motivation. On the other hand Integrative motivation includes the urge to be part of the community which is so strong that drives to pick up the language with perfection. The importance of English as a communicative tool is not realized. The illiterate parents are unable to realize the importance of education and also they do not understand the importance of communication skills which plays a vital role in their ward’s career.

English empowers young minds not only in passing exams but in demonstrating their acumen before the world. Technical institutions have realized the importance of communicating in English in response to the increasing needs of job market. Most of the organizations require people in different capacities with good communication abilities which comprise interacting with customers and clients, explaining policies and procedures, entertaining foreign clients, conducting meeting, delivering presentations, liaisoning, responding to customer complaints and taking orders, etc. Since the world has gone global, the need to compete in it without efficiency in English is difficult. Many organizations have started training their employees in English from time to time. This has ameliorated the life styles of people who considered their future blocked forever it they failed to make it to teaching or so other tradition jobs. In fact, the knowledge of English plays you in all times. People frequently fail to communicate effectively because they don’t express themselves clearly or forcefully enough. Or, they may go to the other extreme, expressing themselves in such a belligerent way that they alienate others. For example, if a husband says to his wife, “I like your face but not your food,” his wife may feel bad after hearing this kind of comment. But it the husband knows the art of communication, he would say the same thing in two sentences: “I like your face”; and then some pause he would say;”The food needs some improvement.” With this kind of communication, she will never feel about it. Communication is the central human activity. We are now witnessing the emergence of an advanced economy based on information and knowledge. Probably the most important skill for knowledge workers in the new environment is ability to communicate. This means to able to listen and to express your ideas effectively in writing and in speech. In order to achieve desired success, professional needs to assess and respond to communication situations that occur constantly.

We can make use of English to promote our worldview and spiritual heritage throughout the globe. Swami Vivekananda established the greatness of Indian view of religion at the world conference of Religions Chicago in 1893 addressing the gathering in impressive English. Many spiritual gurus have since converted thousands of English people to our spirituality by expressing their thought and ideas in masterful English. English has thus become an effective means of promoting the Indian view of life and strengthening our cultural identity in the world.

Language has a power which no other instrument can have. It is a medium of expressing our views and ideas to another individual. The role of English in changing Indian society has become manifold. Students reading in English medium institutions have better potentials and prospects in the global market. The craze for English has resulted in the growth of English Medium schools and colleges. These schools charge high fees and also affect the lifestyle of the students in them. No language can be a threat to the English language. English has revolutionized the world. It has become a global language. It has opened a plethora of opportunities in all fields. English is no more confined to classroom learning alone. It has being used now as a measuring rod in most of the jobs. With the advancement of technology, English serves as a facilitator. Children of today become acquainted with computers and internet as exposure in English. It is true that English has empowered Indian youths. English has gained numberless opportunities for Indian youths both in their homelands as well as in foreign countries.

The importance of the ability to speak or write English has recently increased significantly because English has become the de facto standard. Learning the English language has become popular for business, commerce and cultural reasons and especially for internet communications throughout the world. English is a language that has become standard not because it is widely used by many information and technology industries and recognized as being standard. The call centre phenomenon has stimulated a huge expansion of internet-related activity establishing the future of India a cyber-technological super-power. Modern communications, videos, journals and newspapers on the internet use English and have made ‘knowing English’ indispensable.


By the end of 21st century English began to emerge as a global. It has a great acceptance at social, economical and political levels. The outlook behind the usage of English has been changing significally. In our country middle class is also not keeping itself in isolation by neglecting the importance of English. No one can get mastery over communication skills in a day or two. It is an academic imbroglio for the students lacking in effective communicative skills.

The world steadily heading towards economic globalization, it is essential to give importance to English, so that the common man can keep up with the world issues. Barriers of race, color and creed are no hindrance to continuing spread of the use of English. It is a language of the future.

A positive attitude to English as a national language is essential for the integration of people into Indian society. There would appear to be virtually no disagreement in the commonly about the importance of English language. By using English one can become a citizen of the world almost naturally. English plays a dominant role in the media. It has been used as medium for inter-state communications and broadcasting both before and since India’s independence. The impact of English is not only continuing but increasing.


English language is transforming its multidimensional communicative structure day by day, and in the process has enhanced its utility quotient in India. English is available to us as a historical heritage in addition to our own language. We must make the best use of it to develop ourselves culturally and materially so that we can compete with the best in world of mind and matters. Many organizations have started training their employees in English from time to time. This has ameliorated the life styles of people who considered their future blocked forever it they failed to make it to teaching or some other tradition jobs. In fact, the knowledge of English plays you in all times



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  6. English for Technical Communication, volume 1 & 2- Combined Edition- K.R. Laskshminarayanan- SCITECH- Fourth Reprint 2007.
  7. Raymond V Lesikar, Marie E Flately, Kathryn Rentz and Neeraj Pande. Business Communication-making Connections in a Digital world .Eleventh edition TMH Pvt. Ltd New Delhi 2009
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