Get Book Reviews and Book & Author Promotions in India
Have you finished writing your book? Have you already published your work and now looking for book promotion? Welcome to Ashvamegh! The best place to promote your book and present it to the book-reading fraternity. Started in January 2015, Ashvamegh has today become one of the most popular literary magazines in India. We provide all the essential services for free. We don’t charge for publication or book reviews. However, the authors who are interested in getting their books in the hands of most of the readers, are seldom satisfied with a single book review! For them, we have brought great plans. We have several marketing packages that will get your book on the top.
Why is Book Marketing Essential?
Today, the world has reached a state where everything needs to be marketed. Be it a brand or an individual, marketing can help anyone reaching the new heights of recognition. Authoring a book with so much of hard work and then getting it published are already tasks that dry your sweats. What stands as most important part of a publishing venture is seeing your book in the hands of readers and getting their responses. Unfortunately, you cannot attain this without marketing today. In a single day, more than thousands of books come in the book market. Amid some of the well-known fiction writers, how will you stand apart? An author alone cannot make the both ends meet so easily. Marketing, in the terms of social media promotion and book reviews, has become a tool that every author must use today. Moreover, interviews with authors and poets also play an important role in the book promotion. Overall, you can see that marketing takes it all, to a great extent. So, don’t wait for your good book to get in the ‘read it later’ box; use marketing today and become the next sensation.
What do we offer?
At Ashvamegh, you will be getting many attractive features of marketing. You can write a mail to us and we will let you know what do we offer. For an overview, we will market your book and you as a writer on:
News Website
Our Magazine
And other places where writers and readers interact
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