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wonderful short stories…
Book: Ghostbusters and Other Stories
Author: Debadatta Satpathy
Publisher: Notion Press, 2017
Page: 101
Reviewed by: Amit, Ashvamegh Staff
Buy the book: Amazon
Ghostbusters and Other Stories is a short story collection authored by Debadatta Satpathy, a popular short story writer from Odisha. He has previously come up with a short story collection House of Bougainvillea and that was also a wonderful collection. Nevertheless, this one, Ghostbusters and Other Stories emphasises the storytelling tactics and literary depth of the author rather convincingly because, in the simplest of plots and words, Debadatta Satpathy has managed to touch the core of the emotions of the readers!
A collection of ten short stories and all of the stories are written in such a manner that you can enjoy each of them individually over different fractions of times and none of them will make you feel anything other than pleasure and a kind of emotional attachment because D Satpathy seems to be knowing very well how to keep the readers involved with his fiction.
Most of the short stories in the collection are inspired by the childhood memories of the author and you can find that very well in the very first story – Ghostbusters. This is about a few children trying to resolve whether there is a ghost or not who is behind some strange acts and they discover something very unusual which continues even when they are grown up. The plot is simple but you will find it narrated so well that you will love reading the story. The simplicity and the choice of casual words which directly connect with the readers are wonderful to witness and so is the story with all other stories in the collection.
For seriousness of the fiction, you will find the stories like The Stalin House and The Other PSU. These stories are rather meant to be read with a certain thing in mind that these mean more than what we actually read in the text and then you will see what the author actually hints at.
To conclude the review of this book which is rather short in length, I would just like to point out that it is designed in a way which you can just enjoy rather smoothly! The short stories are short indeed and amusing when they have to be so and serious when they need to be so. This book, Ghostbusters and Other Stories is likely to send the readers into their childhood with memories and to a different land with the aspirations and I will suggest the readers that if they want a rather relaxed read, they should go for this wonderful collection of short stories by a promising author Debadatta Satpathy! You can get the book from the Amazon link below:
Ghostbusters and Other Stories - Reviewed
Reading Pleasure
A story collection which you might enjoy reading anytime and the book will take no longer than a day to be finished!