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something which we all seek…


Title: The Big Switch: it’s never too late 

Author: John Thomas

Publisher: Amazon Kindle, 2017

Page: 239

Reviewed by: Amit, Ashvamegh Staff

Buy the book: Amazon

Literary creations have three major reactions from the readers – oh wow! that was good! perfectly okay! And about John Thomas’ debut novel The Big Switch: it’s never too late, one can safely say that was good if not oh wow. The novel wonderfully addresses the crucial issue of corporate pressure and the lack of work-life balance that modern lifestyle has brought with it in the gold rush that we run. Revolving around a guy named Keith, The Big Switch has a swift plot and a constant theme. It offers, with these two, an insight into picking the best person for life too. Let’s analyse the novel for the readers.

The Big Switch John ThomasStoryline:
It offers the story of Keith who is a laborious employee in H&G, a giant IT sector company. Under so much pressure and totally unable to strike a balance between his personal life and the work, Keith does not only frustrate himself but also loses the girl he loves, Maya. And then, the introspection begins and Keith looks for the answers to some of the most important questions which have become almost a part of our modern life. Am I doing what I want to do? Should I be in this job? Should I quit and start what I want to do? And this is how the story moves. A straight storyline…

As already told, the novel hints at a wonderful theme which is related to the young audience. Is there a right time to quit doing what you don’t like doing? Should you be in a job just for the money? Should someone work at a place which costs a huge chunk of the personal life? Should we not chase our dreams howsoever wild it is?

With the introduction of Kyra in the storyline, John Thomas has made his novel a very good piece of literary production. His novel is not the usual gibberish which is weaved around a forced romance with passionate physical elaboration. The Big Switch: it’s never too late is a work which falls into the category other than the absurd modern novels. It has importance attached to it and the author has tried his best to do a fair job and he succeeds to a great extent. The language and the narrative, overall, are pleasant in the novel. The plot isn’t all evident and the readers have so much to speculate because what Keith will be doing 20 pages from ‘now’ has been kept a suspense!

The Verdict:
One should be reading this novel without a doubt! Read the work by John because it will offer a new writing style and a fresh reading experience. You will instantly like the work as it begins because there is nothing of the ‘usual’ sort of the work! Get your Kindle copy from the link below and start reading the piece right now:

John Thomas’ The Big Switch: Amazon India

The Big Switch by John Thomas
  • Theme
  • Plot
  • Narrative & Language
  • Reading Experience


A must read book for the young readers because it addresses the issue of work, life, work-life and what should be done when you feel like doing something you don’t like…