[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Research Papers & Essays Published in Vol.III, Issue.XXIV – January 2017 of Ashvamegh” main_heading_color=”#1e73be” sub_heading_color=”#8224e3″ spacer=”line_with_icon” spacer_position=”bottom” line_style=”dotted” line_height=”1″ line_color=”#1e73be” icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^48|url^http://ashvamegh.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Ashvamegh-ICO.jpg|caption^null|alt^Ashvamegh Journal Icon|title^Ashvamegh ICO|description^null” img_width=”48″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:34px;” line_width=”3″]here we are, the first month of a new year… with new knowledge bank…[/ultimate_heading]

All this comes before we move into a new year, 2017. The final issue for 2016 has come with a quality collection of research articles and essays from our contributors. Read these papers by clicking the title hints.

Happy Reading
The Ashvamegh Team

[ult_buttons btn_title=”Vol.III Issue.XXIV – Download Research Paper & Essays Volume” btn_link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fashvamegh.net%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F01%2FAshvamegh-Journal-Vol.III-Issue.XXIV-January-2017.pdf||” btn_align=”ubtn-center” btn_size=”ubtn-large” btn_title_color=”#ffffff” btn_bg_color=”#1e73be” btn_hover=”ubtn-bottom-bg” btn_anim_effect=”ulta-pop” btn_bg_color_hover=”#8224e3″ icon=”Defaults-download” icon_size=”20″ btn_icon_pos=”ubtn-sep-icon-left” btn_font_style=”font-weight:bold;” btn_font_size=”desktop:20px;”]

(You will see full title of the papers once you click on them and go to the page)

Lalithambigai                                    Letters from Burma & Existential Dilemma

Nikhith Thomas                                Rock Music & Pop Music – an analysis

Dr. Om Nath Trivedi                         Mahesh Dattani’s Plays & Communal Issues

Rosy Maria D’Souza                         Women Subjugation, Transformation & A Doll’s House

K Shantikumar Sharma                   Oliver Twist & Human Relationships

Ragesree Roy                                    Situating Mahasweta Devi in World Literature

Parashurama Murthy                      Mahesh Dattani & Tennessee Williams side by side

Subha V                                             Clash between reality & illusion in “In Custody”

C K Uma Devi                                   Communal divide & tension in Final Solutions

S Kirutheeba                                    Emma by Austen and Ideal Gentleman

Vijay Khadse                                    Antihero of Upamanyu Chatterjee



Mustafa Büyükgebiz                                  Essay on Choke by Palahniuk

Kshetrapal Sharma                                    Essay on the Book of Job

Ravi Teja & Waheeda Khan                      Essay on History of Teaching