[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Poets Published in Vol.II, Issue.XIX – August 2016 of Ashvamegh” main_heading_color=”#1e73be” sub_heading_color=”#8224e3″ spacer=”line_with_icon” spacer_position=”bottom” line_style=”dotted” line_height=”1″ line_color=”#1e73be” icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^48|url^http://ashvamegh.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Ashvamegh-ICO.jpg|caption^null|alt^Ashvamegh Journal Icon|title^Ashvamegh ICO|description^null” img_width=”48″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:34px;” line_width=”3″]poetry delights & enlightens & compels you to think…[/ultimate_heading]
As we always do at Ashvamegh, in this issue also, we have brought to you the time-tested as well as budding talents. You will love reading the poems that we have selected for our August 2016 issue. Don’t forget to share them with your friends and fellow poets.
*** Featured Poet ***
Bijay Kumar Show is selected as the featured poet for issue.xix of Ashvamegh. You can read his poems here:
Bijay Kumar Show